Serial EEPROMs come in three main flavors and variety of sizes. The 93XXX devices are the easiest to interface to microcontroller PIC16F84/A.
The 93C46 is a small non volatile memory peripheral chip. It is organized as 64 registers of 16 bits each. The programming voltage and write timing are developed on-chip. The self timed write cycle takes about 10 miliseconds.
All communication with the 93C64 begins with sending 9 instruction bits. The first bit ( MSB ) is a logic “1” start bit. The remaining 8 bits may be an op code or an op code and address combination. If the operation is a write operation, 16 data bits follow the instruction bits, MSB first.
This chip have control line as follow :
- Serial data In
- Serial Data Out
- Clock
- Chip Select
Some use rules are :
- A register must be erased ( all 1’s ) before it can be written to. The chip has a built in auto erase cycle which takes place when a write is called for.
- The chip select pin ( CS ) must be brought low for a minimum of 1 microsecond between consecutive instruction cycles to synchronize the internal logic of the device
- For read operations, a dummy “0” precedes the 16 data bits. Data is shifted out MSB first.
- Completion of an erase cycle or write cycle to an individual memory location takes about 10 milliseconds. The serial data output ( DO ) pin may also be used as a status pin during the self timing phase of these operation to indicate the status of the device.
On completion of erase or write, CS is brought low briefly. After that, DO will be low until the operation is complete. When DO goes high again, the device is no longer busy and is accessible for other operations.
list p=16f84a
__config h'3ff1'
radix hex
; cpu equates (memory map)
status equ 0x03
porta equ 0x05
portb equ 0x06
cook equ 0x0c
hibyte equ 0x0d
count equ 0x0e
address equ 0x0f
data_hi equ 0x10
data_lo equ 0x11
temp equ 0x12
trisa equ 0x85
trisb equ 0x86
; bit equates
rp0 equ 5
org 0x000
start bsf status,rp0 ;switch to bank 1
movlw b'00000001' ;bit 0 = input
movwf trisa
movlw b'00000000' ;outputs
movwf trisb
bcf status,rp0 ;switch back to bank 0
bcf porta,1 ;initialize
bcf porta,2 ;initialize
bcf porta,3 ;initialize
movlw 0x00 ;00000000
movwf portb ;LEDs off
movlw 0x00 ;define test address
movwf address
movlw 0x80 ;define test hi byte
movwf data_hi
movlw 0x0f ;define test lo byte
movwf data_lo
call write ;write subroutine
call read ;read subroutine
movf cook,w ;get lo byte
movwf portb ;display via LEDs
circle goto circle ;done
ewen movlw 0x30 ;ewen op code
movwf cook ;to cook
bsf porta,1 ;send start bit
bsf porta,2 ;shift
bcf porta,2
call sendbits ;send ewen op code
ewds movlw 0x00 ;ewds op code
movwf cook ;to cook
bsf porta,1 ;send start bit
bsf porta,2 ;shift
bcf porta,2
call sendbits ;send ewds op code
write bsf porta,3 ;cs high
call ewen ;erase/write enable
bcf porta,3 ;cs low
nop ;1 microsecond min
bsf porta,3 ;cs high
movf address,w ;get address
movwf cook ;store in cook
bcf cook,7 ;op code
bsf cook,6 ;ms 2 bits
bsf porta,1 ;send start bit
bsf porta,2 ;shift
bcf porta,2
call sendbits ;send address
movf data_hi,w ;get data hi
movwf cook
call sendbits ;send data hi
movf data_lo,w ;get data lo
movwf cook
call sendbits ;send data lo
bcf porta,3 ;cs low
nop ;1 microsecond min
bsf porta,3 ;cs high
ecycle2 btfss porta,0 ;erase cycle complete?
goto ecycle2 ;not yet
bcf porta,3 ;cs low
nop ;1 microsecond min
call ewds ;yes, erase/write disable
bcf porta,3 ;cs low
nop ;1 microsecond min
read bsf porta,3 ;cs high
movf address,w ;get address
movwf cook
bsf cook,7 ;op code
bcf cook,6 ;ms 2 bits
bsf porta,1 ;send start bit
bsf porta,2 ;shift
bcf porta,2
call sendbits ;send address
call getprom ;shift hi 8 bits out of eeprom
movf cook,w ;hi byte result in hibyte
movwf hibyte
call getprom ;shift lo 8 bits out of eeprom
bcf porta,3 ;cs low
nop ;1microsecond min
return ;exit sub with lo byte in cook
sendbits movlw 0x08 ;count=8
movwf count
sbit call sendbit ;send 1 bit
decfsz count,f ;done?
goto sftcook ;no
return ;yes
sftcook rlf cook,f ;shift cook left
goto sbit ;again
sendbit bcf porta,1 ;default
btfsc cook,7 ;test cook bit 7
bsf porta,1 ;bit is set
shift1 bsf porta,2 ;shift
bcf porta,2
getprom movlw 0x08 ;count=8
movwf count
shift2 bsf porta,2 ;shift
bcf porta,2
movf porta,w ;read port A
movwf temp ;store copy
rrf temp,f ;rotate bit into carry flag
rlf cook,f ;rotate carry flag into cook
decfsz count,f ;decrement counter
goto shift2
return ;done
;at device program time, select:
; code protection off
; watchdog timer disabled (default is enabled)
; standard crystal XT (using 4 MHz osc for test)
; power-up timer on
erase bsf porta,3 ;cs high
call ewen ;erase/write enable
bcf porta,3 ;cs low
nop ;1 microsecond min
bsf porta,3 ;cs high
movf address,w ;get address
movwf cook ;store in cook
bsf cook,7 ;op code
bsf cook,6 ;ms 2 bits
bsf porta,1 ;send start bit
bsf porta,2 ;shift
bcf porta,2
call sendbits ;send address
bcf porta,3 ;cs low
nop ;1 microsecond min
bsf porta,3 ;cs high
ecycle1 btfss porta,0 ;erase cycle complete?
goto ecycle1 ;not yet
bcf porta,3 ;cs low
nop ;1microsecond min
call ewds ;yes, erase/write disable
bcf porta,3 ;cs low
nop ;1microsecond min
return; NOP are use to ensure that the 93C64 chip’s timing requirement are met.
Source : pic’n up the pace
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